
Collage of people from the ALS community



884 results
Fiscal Stewardship During A Global Pandemic
For nonprofit entities like The ALS Association, the filing of its Form 990 tax return is also an important tool to communicate the good stewardship and judicious financial management the Association has demonstrated while working toward its mission of creating a world without ALS.
This Is What It Takes
We are on an urgent mission to make ALS a livable disease by 2030, to discover and fund promising treatments and to discover a cure. Our best opportunity to fulfill this promise and to continue delivering in the areas of Care, Advocacy, and Research is to reinvigorate our commitment to work as one. Driven by this belief, we will move from a federated to a unified structure.
Bryan Stone: Living His Life with ALS
After Bryan was diagnosed with ALS, the Stones immediately adopted the saying, “Today is the best day of the rest of our lives, and we’re going to make the most of it.” And in the days and years since, Bryan has done just that and is an awe-inspiring example of a true ALS hero living his life to the fullest.
Researcher Spotlight: Sonia Vazquez-Sanchez, Ph.D.
We recently talked with Dr. Sonia Vazquez-Sanchez, postdoctoral fellow from the Cleveland Lab at the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research at the University of California at San Diego to learn about her unique research focused on RNA binding protein TDP-43 and its effects on ALS.
Increasing Awareness of ALS in Rural Communities
Health disparities in underserved and rural communities present serious challenges for people living with ALS. Like many of our local chapters around the country, The ALS Association Central and Southern Ohio Chapter and the team at OhioHealth ALS Clinic are working together to change that. In the fall of 2019, Michelle Edwardson, Director of Care Services for the chapter, began working with the team at one of their Certified Centers of Excellence, OhioHealth ALS Clinic, to develop a one-day comprehensive educational symposium for people living with ALS, their caregivers and medical professionals.
Our Response to the FDA’s Latest Letter and What We’re Doing to Keep Up the Pressure
Following our We Can’t Wait Action meeting with the FDA, we sent a letter to the agency asking it to reaffirm its commitment to the 2019 ALS Guidance and provide us with a detailed report showing how it has implemented the guidance. This week, the ALS Association received a response from Dr. Patrizia Cavazzoni, Director of the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research.
Spread the Word: It’s Global ALS/MND Awareness Day
Every year on June 21 the International Alliance of ALS/MND Associations celebrates Global ALS Awareness Day, a day of recognition of ALS/MND – a disease that affects people in every country around the globe.

ALS is not unique to the US, it’s a global problem. It does not discriminate based on race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, or region. People are living with the disease all over the world, and for every person diagnosed, the impact of the disease will forever be felt by their loved ones.
Health Disparities and ALS
Investigators at Emory University School of Medicine reviewed 23 years of data from 1997-2020 for patients seen at the Emory ALS Center. To allow for adequate analysis of disease survival time, researchers included all patients who self-reported their race as Black or White and symptom onset was before January 1, 2017. A total of 1,298 patients were included in the study, 203 of whom were Black, and 1,095 of whom were White.
ALS Association Wraps Up Virtual Advocacy Conference with Calls on Congress to Act
ALS advocates are pursuing an aggressive set of public policy priorities for people living with ALS and their families. These priorities include increased federal funding for ALS research, creating new pathways for expedited approval of promising treatments including the Promising Pathway Act and ACT for ALS, making permanent expanded access to telehealth, and increasing access to high-quality health care and veteran's benefits.
How Our Family Found Hope in the Fight Against ALS
Amber Letters is a wife, a mom, a sister, and was a part-time caregiver for father who lost his battle with ALS this year. To honor her father’s legacy, she is sharing her family’s personal story, their journey with ALS and how they found hope along the way.
Eddie Ilarraza: Doing Whatever it Takes to Make His Dreams Come True
Eddie Ilarraza was diagnosed with ALS in 2002, and while his body may have slowly succumbed to the disease over the years, his mind and his spirit have not. Eddie graciously shared his story about his personal journey living with ALS, and how his determination to do whatever it takes to achieve his hopes and dreams has prevailed.
ICYMI: We Can’t Wait Action Meeting Pushes FDA on Access
People with ALS on Tuesday called on the FDA to use its existing authority and the flexibility it promised the ALS community it would use to make experimental drugs that show incremental benefits available as quickly as possible. The comments came in a “We Can’t Wait” Action Meeting with FDA organized by The ALS Association.
We Can't Wait Action Meeting with FDA: What We Heard and What's to Follow
We are  deeply grateful to the eight speakers who shared their wisdom and personal experience with the FDA,  as well as the  more than 150 others from the community  who have done so  online. We continue to hear that people with ALS want effective treatments now, even if they offer modest benefit, and are willing to face considerable uncertainty and risk to do so.
A Spirit in Flight: One Man’s Journey Living with ALS
Eric wanted to share his story about his journey with the world, about his colorful past and his inspiring present living with ALS. So, he and his family joined up with filmmaker David Gaynes and his team at DG Filmworks, creating a heartening documentary, “A Spirit in Flight”; an intimate portrait of Eric, his life, and how he is living life to the fullest after his diagnosis with ALS.
ALS and the Financial Burdens it Presents to Families Living with the Disease
People living with ALS and their caregivers face substantial financial burdens accessing and understanding insurance coverage and paying for medical treatments and services, causing high stress, added work burden and tremendous debt for individuals in the ALS community. No one understands this more than Jimmie and Dennis Thomasson in Mobile, Alabama.
Warm Summer Night, a Moment the Vickers Family will Never Forget
Many believe that all it takes is one song to bring back 1,000 memories, moments we hold dear and relive in our minds every time we listen to it. No one knows this better than the Vickers family, sharing their beautiful memories and storytelling through music, rhythm and melody.
ALS Association to Host FDA, Industry in “We Can’t Wait” Action Meeting
Later this month, the ALS Association will host a virtual session focused on the urgent need for timely access to new therapies. Leaders from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and industry companies will listen to people living with ALS speak directly about their expectations for their experiences with the disease and how important it is to have timely access to therapies that have the potential to provide incremental benefit in improving how people feel, function and live.