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Our Priorities
Accelerate New Treatments & Technologies
Optimize Current Treatments & Care
Reduce the Harms of ALS
Driving Discovery
Cutting-edge research is transforming the experience of being diagnosed and living with ALS. Thanks to the Ice Bucket Challenge and the generosity of our donors, here’s just some of the progress we’ve made so far:
The first genetically targeted therapy to treat ALS was approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
More than 40 genes have been linked to ALS risk and development.
Stem cells generated from individuals' skin cells are laying the foundation for a new era of precision medicine for ALS.
New brain-computer interface technology can translate brain signals into speech with up to 97% accuracy.

Go Behind the Headlines
Stories about ALS research advancements are filled with information about different genes, proteins and other scientific concepts. Get a better understanding of what it all means in a way that’s easy to understand.