Home Modification: Planning for Accessibility
Adapting your living environment to meet your changing needs will be necessary as ALS progresses. Equipment can be used to facilitate safe access to the bathtub or shower and toilet. Here, mobility equipment specialist Aaron Devendorf discusses home modifications that can help you to stay safe and retain your independence for as long as possible.
Options for Accessing Your Home
As you plan for the changes in mobility that ALS brings, you will want to make a plan for getting in and out of your home as well as moving throughout the house. Learn more from Aaron Devendorf, mobility equipment specialist, about ramps, lifts and elevators as you prepare your home for the road ahead.
Tips for Safety and Comfort in the Bathroom
As you plan for the changes in mobility that ALS brings, you will want to make a plan for getting in and out of your home as well as moving throughout the house. Learn more from Aaron Devendorf, mobility equipment specialist, about ramps, lifts and elevators as you prepare your home for the road ahead.
Caregiver Questions: Making Adjustments to Your Living Environment
Home adaptations impact every member of the household. As a caregiver for her husband, Kari Etchells has questions for mobility equipment specialist Aaron Devendorf about changes to their living environment that will likely be required.
Utilizing Smart Home Technology to Maintain Your Independence
For people living with ALS who do not have full mobility, technology can help with the activities of daily living. Home control systems can open doors, answer telephones and intercoms and operate a host of electronic devices.
Additional Information
For additional information about adapting your environment, please refer to the following resources:
- FYI: Home Adaptations
- Smart Home Technology and ALS
- Functioning When Mobility is Affected by ALS
- Assistive Technology
We would like to extend a sincere thank you to all who participated in the filming of these videos.
- Ellen Alires-Trujillo and Lorenzo Truijillo, Mark and Kathleen Weston, and Dale and Kari Etchells, for their time and for allowing us to share this very personal journey
- The clinicians who shared their time and expertise
- The staff at Accessible Systems in Denver, Colorado