Legacy Giving
& Gift Planning

As we go through life, we meet many wonderful people. 
Our legacy is the love, passion, and values that stay with them.

If our vision of a world without ALS is a cause you are passionate about – part of a philanthropic legacy that you wish to leave behind – please consider joining hundreds of supporters making legacy gifts to ensure our organization can fight this terrible disease for as long as we must.

Sample language for making The ALS Association a beneficiary in your will or trust

“I give and devise to The ALS Association (Tax ID #13-3271855) [percentage, fixed amount, or asset] to be used for its general support [or to support of a specific fund, program, and/or in a specific state].” 

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Commonly needed information to make The ALS Association a beneficiary of a financial account(s): 

Legal Name: The ALS Association 
Tax ID Number: 13-3271855 
Address: 1300 Wilson Blvd., Suite 600, Arlington VA 22209 
Contact Email: [email protected] 
Contact Phone: (888) 226-5185 

For additional information please contact us.


Legacy Gift

Join The Legacy Society Today!

Gift commitments like these – known as legacy gifts – are extra special and greatly appreciated. Notifying us of your legacy gift commitment helps us better plan for our financial future, ensure we fund our mission for as long as is necessary, and provides you with Legacy Society lifetime membership. 

Donna and Steve Seggebruch

“I will do anything for this cause in memory of my wife and so I’m especially honored to announce the Donna J. Seggebruch Legacy Challenge!” says Steve Seggebruch.

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Sue Johnson, Laura Scheid and their late mother, Elaine Metzger.

Laura Scheid

Laura Scheid has been connected with The ALS Association since January 2019 when her mother was diagnosed with ALS. Today she carries on her mother’s beautiful legacy of courage and grace.

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Jeff Rowe

“My father’s life paralleled Lou Gehrig’s in a lot of ways. They both had humble beginnings and were hard-working, selfless men who thought of others first,” says Jeff Rowe.

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Contact Us
Planning your estate and legacy for future generations including your charitable interests takes careful evaluation. Discussing your charitable intentions with us can lead to a much better result than going it alone.
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