Include The ALS Association In Your Will

A simple sentence can help change the future of ALS. By making The ALS Association a beneficiary of your estate plan you can help ensure future generations live our shared vision of a world without ALS.


  • Support your favorite charity without having to donate today
  • Plan for your future security, that of your loved ones, and that of the ALS community all at once
  • You can modify your estate plan beneficiary designations at any time
  • A gift through an estate plan is often the largest donation someone will ever make! Donating even 1% of the totality of your assets (instead of, for example, an annual donation from your current cash flow) can maximize your philanthropic potential and mission impact.
  • There is no upper limit on the estate tax deduction for your charitable bequests.

What You’ll Need

To include The ALS Association in your will, complete and provide this sample language – a simple sentence – to your estate planning attorney:

“I give and devise to The ALS Association (Tax ID #13-3271855) [percentage, specific amount, or asset] to be used for its general support [or to support a specific fund, program, and/or  a specific state].”

For sample language that fits more specific situations, click here.

Can You Restrict Your Gift?

Yes, you can restrict your gift, but please do so as broadly as possible. To discuss restrictive programmatic and location-specific opportunities, please contact us. The needs of the ALS community are ever changing and if we are unable to restrict the gift as your will directs, we may have to forfeit the gift.

Contact us

Person in wheelchair attending a Walk to Defeat ALS event

Estate Planning

Are you looking to create your estate plan for the first time? Request our free life and estate planning guides today! We’re here to help guide you and even provide you with recommendations of local estate planning attorneys.

Are you looking to update your estate plan? Adding or revising beneficiaries can be done through a simple amendment known as a codicil and does not require a total rewrite of your will, saving you time and money. Simply consult your estate planning attorney.

We’re Here To Help
Contact us today for assistance with estate planning and creating your philanthropic legacy

The information presented here is for educational purposes only. Always consult a legal or tax advisor to determine what is best for you.

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