
Collage of people from the ALS community



899 results
Mining Data to Help Build a World Without ALS
We spoke with Pam Knott, vice president of data and technology at The ALS Association, to learn more about how the Association is harnessing the power and potential of big data to speed up the process of empowering people to live longer lives, to access care, to bring new treatments to market, and to reduce the harmful impact associated with the disease.
ALS and a Friendship Rekindled
Cole Thompson and Lamar Woody have been friends since the seventh grade, although Cole readily admits he had lost touch with his friend after college. Cole moved away from Auburn, Alabama, and life took him and Lamar in different directions. Then one day Cole saw a GoFundMe page someone had created for Lamar and his family after Lamar was diagnosed with ALS. “From there, Lamar and I started chatting again on Facebook, and rekindled our friendship,” Cole says.
2022 Year-End Report
Across our mission, we saw amazing progress in the fight against ALS in 2022. When we come together as one team with one mission, we have an opportunity to change the world.
ALS and the Important Role of Local Care and Support
The ALS Association’s nationwide network of local care teams work tirelessly with families to provide education, support and resources to help. One of those care team members is Melissa Enfinger, director of care services in Alabama, who works very closely with the Woody family in Auburn.
Natalie Woody: Growing Up with My Dad and ALS
Natalie Woody was only four and a half years old when her father Lamar was diagnosed with ALS in 2018. Full of personality and spirit, Natalie’s parents agree that she’s no different than any other child her age, she just happens to have a dad who has ALS.
It Takes All of Us—Resources for ALS Caregivers
As no two cases of ALS are the same, nor are any two ALS caregivers. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to each caregiver question, but that is not to say there isn’t much to be gleaned from the experiences of others.
Caregiving and ALS: It Takes a Village
The ALS journey is difficult, so whether it is family, or friends or community volunteers, finding people who are willing to help, and accepting the help they are able to give, can make all the difference. We had the privilege of sitting down with the Woody family’s “village,” to talk about ALS, how it impacts their everyday life, and their incredible devotion to be a part of the family’s ALS journey. Here’s what they had to say.
“Lamar Helped Me Find My Voice”
Kayla met Lamar Woody back in 2017 at the music store where he taught voice and piano lessons. As her very first vocal coach, Lamar will always have a special place in her heart. He not only taught her how to sing and use her voice, he taught her about ALS.
Caregiver Education Course: The Helping Hand of Knowledge
For someone facing the daunting challenge of becoming an ALS caregiver, there are many paths to gaining the knowledge and experiences they need to care for someone with the disease. Regardless of how you prefer to learn, one thing everyone can benefit from is a reliable source of information, which can be found in the new ALS Association Caregiver Education Course.
An ALS Veteran Story, with a Twist
As with hundreds of thousands of veterans, Michelle served her country honorably, eventually attaining the rank of captain, and moved on to a civilian life of work and family. But life wasn’t done with twists and turns for Michelle. In 2011, she began experiencing some muscle twitches. She didn’t think much of it at the time, and certainly didn’t suspect anything serious. “The chances of having ALS are miniscule and I never dreamed that would be my diagnosis,” Michelle says. But it was.
Seeking Justice for ALS Veterans
In 2008, the Department of Veteran Affairs established ALS as a service connected disease. In doing so, the VA made it possible for veterans who were diagnosed with ALS to receive compensation based disability, grants for housing, vehicle modifications and much more. A veteran's spouse and dependents may also be eligible for benefits, but a quirk in the law governing survival benefits means that spouses of veterans are being denied access to survival benefits after they lose their loved ones.
Kristina Woody, Full-Time Nurse, Wife, Mother and ALS Caregiver
Kristina met Lamar Woody in high school, although it wasn’t until college when they really found their true connection. Lamar loves to tell everyone Kristina was the prettiest girl in school. Little did she know then she would not only become his wife and mother of their beautiful daughter, Natalie, but she would also become his ALS caregiver.
Looking for Ways to Help a Family Impacted by ALS?
Only those living through the experience first-hand truly understand the challenges of being a full-time caregiver, particularly for someone living with ALS. The ability to complete basic daily tasks can be overwhelming and the need for help is great. Finding ways to help and show support for the caregiver in your life can make a huge difference for them, and for you.
Bradley Swinney: Knowing Lamar Woody
Bradley Swinney first met Lamar on the playground when he was in the third grade. In 2018, Lamar shared the devastating news of his ALS diagnosis.
The Vital Role of Respiratory Care for People with ALS
The impact of ALS on breathing is likely one of the most daunting aspects of the disease journey and one for which you and your family can and should prepare for early on. There are many different options and interventions to consider, and education and proactive planning can help to ease the stress for everyone involved.
The Woody Family, Living with ALS
Lamar and Kristina Woody are a lot like any other busy, hard-working couple. They’re juggling careers, education and the day-to-day activities of their sassy and smart nine-year-old daughter, Natalie. Married for over twelve years, they love laughter, music and spending time with family and friends, living their life focused on love, friendship and positivity. They are also living with ALS.
The Fight to Make Air Travel Accessible for All
While the travel industry is paying greater attention to the special needs of people with mobility challenges, much more needs to be done to ensure everyone has equal access to safe air travel. The Air Carrier Access Amendments Act is designed to do just that.
ALS Association Launches the Stephen Kauffman ALS Superfan Award
The ALS Association recently announced the creation of a new award to honor “superfans,” the most passionate sports and entertainment fans who are also living with ALS. The award is inspired by Stephen Kauffman, who was diagnosed with ALS in 2012, and was honored in 2021 by the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame as a Golden State Warriors superfan.