Information for Grant Applicants and Awardees
Information for Grant Applicants and Awardees

Information for Grant Applicants and Awardees

Below you will find answers to the most common questions asked by our grant applicants and awardees. If you have questions that are not listed on this page, please contact us at

General Information


Applying for an Award

Application Review and Funding Decisions

Grant Management


What type of research does the ALS Association fund? 

We fund cutting-edge research across the translational pipeline from basic science to clinical trials in addition to research in other important areas, such as assistive technology, quality of care and prevention. We seek out this diverse range of research projects by issuing specific requests for applications throughout the year. Click here to learn more about our awards and programs. 

How often are new funding opportunities launched? 

Many of our awards are offered annually, but others are one-time only grants. Interested applicants should check our Funding Opportunities page to get more information about open requests for applications or sign up to receive updates via email. 

Does the Association make information about the research projects it has funded publicly available? 

Yes. To learn about research projects we have funded, please see our Funded Grants Database. Funded projects can be searched by investigator name, project title, award program, state/country or year funded. 

Do you provide grant assistance for home modifications, speech-generating devices, power wheelchairs and/or respite/home care for people living with ALS? 

The ALS Association does provide financial assistance to help offset out-of-pocket disease-related costs. However, these grants are not administered through the research program. For more information, please contact  

I already have an active grant with the ALS Association, can I apply for additional awards? 

Yes. Awardees can have multiple active grants from the Association. 

Can I apply to more than one open funding opportunity? 

Yes. You can apply for multiple funding opportunities provided your proposed research project is relevant to the program(s) to which you are applying. 

Can I be a Milton Safenowitz Postdoctoral Fellow and hold another fellowship at the same time?

Safenowitz Postdoctoral Fellows cannot hold another postdoctoral fellowship at any point during the 2-year period of the award. Any other fellowships will need to be declined or relinquished to be eligible to receive funding through the Safenowitz Postdoctoral Fellowship Program.

I do not have a doctorate degree. Can I still apply for ALS Association funding opportunities? 

Applicants are not required to have a doctorate degree; however, all applicants are expected to have the skills, knowledge and resources necessary to complete the proposed research project. 

I do not have a background in ALS. Can I still apply? 

Yes. We welcome applications from established investigators, early career investigators and investigators outside the ALS field. Please note, junior postdoctoral fellows are not eligible to apply as principal investigators, except for the Milton Safenowitz Postdoctoral Fellowship Program

How do I submit a letter of intent and/or a full proposal? 

All application materials must be submitted through our online grants management platform, ProposalCentral. Emailed documents and/or hard copies will not be accepted. Click here for instructions on how to register as a new user of ProposalCentral. 

I’ve never used ProposalCentral before. How does the system work? 

New users are encouraged to review ProposalCentral’s guide to registering as a new user and guide on how to create an application to become acquainted with the system.  

I am working on/submitting an application on behalf of a researcher. Should I apply using my ProposalCentral account? 

No. Applications must be submitted by the principal investigator through their ProposalCentral account. However, once this application has been started, access can be granted to other users, such as co-investigators, assistants or other support staff. Instructions on how to do this can be found here

I am working with a co-investigator at a different institution. Which of us should apply as the principal investigator? 

The institution that controls the intellectual property under development must be the primary institution. The investigator at that institution should apply as the principal investigator. 

I have preliminary results, supporting data or other information that does not fit within the page limits of the Research Plan document. Can I submit these as an appendix to my full proposal? 

At this time, we do not permit applicants to submit an appendix of additional materials. Please ensure all relevant data is contained within your Research Plan document. 

Do I need to include all other support myself and/or my co-investigators are receiving in the full proposal? 

You only need to include other support that is directly related to the research project you are proposing for ALS Association funding. 

Do I need to submit a W9 or W8BEN-E form along with my full proposal? Where can I find this form? 

If your organization is based within the United States, you should submit a W9 form as an attachment to your full proposal in ProposalCentral. The W9 form can be found here. If your organization is based outside the United States, you should submit a W8BEN-E form. The W8BEN-E form can be found here. Please note: All W9 and W8BEN-E forms must be signed and dated within the last 12 months and preferably within the current calendar year. 

Who will review my application?

The projects we fund are all selected by a panel of independent experts who have specific knowledge, skills, and experience related to the focus of the grant or award. We carefully select reviewers to ensure they are not conflicted for a specific proposal. More information about our review process can be found here.

How long does it take to review letters of intent? 

LOI review typically takes 3 to 4 weeks. More information about our review process can be found here

How will I know if my letter of intent has been selected and I have been invited to submit a full proposal? 

After LOIs have been reviewed, all applicants will be notified via email of the outcome. Applicants are advised to add to their “safe sender” list to ensure notifications are not directed to their spam folders. You can also check the status of your LOI in ProposalCentral by viewing the Applications tab and referencing the Status column. 

How long does it take to review full proposals? 

Full proposal review takes approximately 6 to 8 weeks, but timing may vary depending on the number of submissions. More information about our review process can be found here

How will I know if my project has been selected for funding? 

After full proposals have been reviewed, all applicants will be notified via email of the outcome. Applicants are advised to add to their “safe sender” list to ensure notifications are not directed to their spam folders. You can also check the status of your full proposal in ProposalCentral by viewing the Applications tab and referencing the Status column.  

Can I add to or change the people who have access to my project in ProposalCentral? 

Yes, you can add or remove contacts associated with your grant in ProposalCentral. Instructions on how to do so can be found here.  

My institution’s address or other information needs to be updated in ProposalCentral. Can you help me? 

Unfortunately, ALS Association staff are not able to access or edit other institutions’ profiles within ProposalCentral. If your institution’s information needs to be updated, you should reach out to your institution’s officials or to ProposalCentral’s support team at

What type of reporting is required for my award? 

The ALS Association requires awardees to submit a research progress report every 6 months during the grant period (including any no-cost extension period, if relevant) and a final progress report at the end of the grant. Awardees must also submit an expenditure report each year, as well as at the conclusion of the award

How do I submit a report? 

All reports should be submitted electronically through ProposalCentral as a deliverable. Instructions on submitting deliverables can be found here. Emailed or hard copy reports will not be accepted.  

How do I request a no-cost extension (NCE) for my project? 

NCEs can be requested by emailing the Research Grants Team at Please be sure to include your project ID number. An NCE Deliverable will then be added to your project in ProposalCentral so you can detail the reasons for the extension. If you have not recently submitted a progress report, you will be asked to complete one in addition to the NCE Deliverable so we have a complete and current understanding of the status of your project. 

Can I re-budget funds for my project? 

The ALS Association allows some flexibility to reallocate funds within and between budget categories to meet unanticipated needs. Generally, re-budgeting of funds less than 10% of the total grant award does not require pre-approval; however, you should refer to your signed Grant Agreement for confirmation of this amount. If you need to re-budget more than the amount noted in your Grant Agreement, please email with your project ID number to request that a Rebudgeting Deliverable be added to your project in ProposalCentral.  

We have unexpended funds remaining after completing our project. How do we return this money? 

The ALS Association does not require awardees to return funds remaining at the end of the project totaling less than $100. Unexpended funds totaling more than $100 can be returned to the Association via check or wire transfer. Checks should be made payable to “The ALS Association” and include the project ID number and principal investigator’s name. Checks should be sent to: 

The ALS Association 
Attn: Finance Department / Teri Harris
1300 Wilson Blvd., Suite 600 
Arlington, VA 22209 

Awardees choosing to return funds via wire transfer should email for instructions.

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Information for Grant Applicants and Awardees