Spread the Word

The National ALS Registry is the only research project of its kind. Data from the Registry is helping researchers learn who gets ALS and why and advancing the search for new treatments and a cure. If more people with ALS join, we can add to that knowledge. So, it’s important that people living with ALS across the U.S. are aware of the Registry so they can participate.

Here’s how you can share information about the program:


Distribute Registry materials like fact sheets and guides at support group meetings, clinic visits or other events and gatherings where you may see people living with ALS, caregivers, family members or others from the ALS community. You can request these materials from the CDC for free – click here


Share information about the Registry through social media and in any ALS online forums where you participate. An easy way to do this is to follow/like us by clicking on the social media icons at the bottom of this page and then sharing our posts about the Registry. 


Include information about the Registry in your email signature


Become an ALS Advocate and help educate state and federal government representatives about the importance of the Registry. Click here to learn more. 


Send a letter to the editor of your local newspaper about the benefits of the Registry. 


Share your story to help raise awareness and mobilize policymakers to continue to allocate funding for the Registry. Click here and submit the form along with a photo or video (optional). 

These are just a few examples of things you can do to help spread the word about the Registry. With your help, we can help create a better future for people with ALS. 
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