Resources for Learning About ALS

We’re committed to providing you with quick, easy access to a variety of resources related to ALS – from fact sheets and publications and videos produced by the Association to book recommendations and resource guides.

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103 results
ALS Association
FYI: Dressing with Ease, Style and Comfort
Dressing and undressing are often challenging task among people with limited mobility. While buttons and zippers are frustrating for some folks, others may find reaching arms through armholes of putting legs through leg holes tedious chores. Besides the obstacles people face for dressing independently, it is not always easy for their assistants. Wearing accessible clothes and selecting attire to meet individual needs will make dressing easier, sparing unnecessary aggravation and fatigue.
ALS Association
FYI: Respiratory Challenges in ALS - Coughing
Coughing is a familiar, yet complex reflex action that functions to clear material from the airway. It protects the airway from irritants, saliva, or foreign particles that may have been inhaled (aspirated), and secretions, cellular debris, and microbes generated by the lungs or bronchial tree. Coughing can be involuntary; a reaction to inhaling a foreign particle or wayward food particle, or voluntary, intentionally taking a deep breath to clear mucus from the throat.
ALS Association
FYI: Oral Care for People Living with ALS
As ALS progresses, daily routines frequently change for people with ALS and their caregivers. Activities, those that were once automatic, may require either extra time and/or physical help. Oral care is one routine that can be easily forgotten.
ALS Association
FYI: Coping with Burnout
Being a caregiver of someone with ALS is a very important role. It usually involves a number of tasks that can be very time consuming, and can require a great deal of effort. If we do not learn to recognize that certain tasks and expectations can take their toll on us, regardless of what role(s) we play in life, we may find ourselves headed down the path of burnout.
ALS Association
FYI: Family Caregiving-Why Respite?
Being a family caregiver, while a fulfilling role, can consume a great deal of physical, mental and emotional energy. Consequently, respite care is very important because it gives family caregivers of persons with ALS an opportunity to create a plan of care for themselves; something a caregiver often overlooks.
ALS Association
FYI: Bill of Rights for People Living With ALS
The ALS Association prepared the Patient Bill of Rights to inform people living with ALS about their rights related to health care and health plan insurance coverage.
ALS Association
FYI: Second Opinion FAQs
The only way a person can begin to accept an ALS diagnosis is to be certain that the diagnosis is correct.
ALS Association
FYI: Reasons for Living with ALS
While staunchly supporting the right of people with ALS to make health care decisions affecting their life and death, The ALS Association believes just as strongly in the right for people to be fully informed about ALS including symptom management and comfort measures as ALS progresses.
ALS Association
FYI: Minimizing Fatigue
Be recognizing the signs of fatigue, knowing which factors worsen symptoms, and learning how to conserve energy, persons with ALS can greatly improve their quality of living.
ALS Association
FYI: Advance Directives
An advance directive is a legal document used to instruct others about your health care wishes. It acts as a guide for your loved ones and health care providers to make health care and treatment-related decisions on your behalf, should you become unable to convey them due to illness or incapacity.
ALS Association
Assistive Technology
The 10 Things to Know sheets are quick guides to inform you about a wide range of ALS-related topics.
Guide / Manual