
Collage of people from the ALS community



889 results
Upper Motor Neurons Contribute to ALS in Human Brain Tissue
ALS is characterized by the progressive loss of motor neurons – both upper motor neurons (UMNs) and lower motor neurons (LMNs). Within the ALS scientific community there has been a debate how UMNs and LMNs contribute to disease. Dr. Ozdinler and team from Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago recently published a paper in Scientific Reports, a high impact journal published by Nature, further solidifying the important contribution of UMNs to disease specifically in people living with ALS. The ALS Association is pleased to support Dr. Ozdinler’s studies that contributed to this important paper.
Highlights from Our January Listening Tour
In January, CEO and President Barb Newhouse hosted a Listening Tour with Association staff leaders, BOT Chairman Doug Butcher and Bill Thoet, former BOT Chairman and current Chairman of The Association’s Research Committee.
2017 ALS Association Leadership Conference Filled with Inspiration and Innovation
The ALS Association’s annual Leadership Conference earlier this month brought together leaders from all 39 chapters across the country in Irvine, Calif., to share ideas and collaborate. At this year’s conference, we were pleased to honor several heroes who are living with ALS and who have provided great inspiration to all those around them.
Nuedexta Trial Demonstrates Promising Results Impacting Bulbar Function in ALS Patients
In the January 9th issue of Neurotherapeutics, Dr. Richard Smith, Director of the Center for Neurologic Study in La Jolla, Calif. published promising results of a phase II trial testing the effect of Nuedexta on bulbar function. Overall, he and his co-authors found that Nuedexta had a significant palliative effect on speech, swallowing and salivation in people living with ALS. The ALS Association contributed to the funding of this trial.
Duke, UNC Coaches Unite to Raise Awareness of ALS
The men’s basketball coaching staffs of Duke University and the University of North Carolina are wearing ALS Association lapel pins tonight in honor of Jeff Capel, Jr., who was recently diagnosed with ALS. Capel was the head coach at Old Dominion University for seven seasons and also served as an assistant for the Charlotte Bobcats and the Philadelphia 76ers. His son, Jeff, is an assistant on Duke’s staff, and his son, Jason, played at UNC and now is an announcer on the ACC Network.
The Barnett Family Legacy Honored with Naming of New Drug Development Program
During The ALS Association’s annual Leadership Conference in Irvine, Calif., The Association came together to honor the Barnett family, who have contributed over $11 million to The ALS Association since it was founded. Lawrence Barnett was the founding chairman of The Association. To solidify the family’s place in Association history, it was announced that the TREAT ALSTM drug development program will be named “The Lawrence and Isabel Barnett Drug Development Program.”
Announcing the Updated Living with ALS Resource Guide Series
Over the last year and a half, The ALS Association has been working with authors from Association Chapters, ALS centers and clinics and other ALS organizations to rewrite the original Living with ALS manual series, adding new and relevant content. The series has been developed for people living with ALS, family members, caregivers and other healthcare professionals, as well as our chapter and national staff.
An ALS Leader and Caregiver's Unique Perspective on Assistive Technology
Evy Reviers serves as the CEO of ALS Liga, our sister organization in Belgium and is a champion in ALS patient advocacy and care. She and her organization stepped up to partner with Dr. Desain and his team that develops NoiseTag brain computer interface (BCI), who won the ALS Assistive Technology Challenge in Dublin this past December. Through this collaboration, patients in Belgium will be able to try out the NoiseTag BCI to optimize its function and usability, thereby making it the best product possible.
NoiseTag BCI is the Assistive Technology of the Future
A type of assistive technology, called brain computer interface (BCI), has been around for years with much room for improvement. We sat down with the 2016 ALS Assistive Technology Challenge winner, Dr. Peter Desain from Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior in Nijmegen, The Netherlands, who invented NoiseTag BCI that gives a novel spin on BCI technology.
Blitz Your Life
Former Tennessee Titans linebacker Tim Shaw’s unexpected diagnosis of ALS doesn’t stop him from finding hope and advocating on behalf of those faced with ALS. He has also been an incredible ally of The ALS Association in fighting this disease.
Networking to Find Better Treatments for Motor Neuron Diseases
The CReATe Consortium is an ALS Association supported strategic initiative dedicated to the discovery and validation of ALS biomarkers and understanding the relationship between the clinical presentation and genetic background of people living with ALS.
This Year’s 10 Biggest Advances in ALS Research
In 2016, a significant number of ALS research discoveries, advances in clinical trials, collaborations and strategic initiatives all accelerated the pace of discovery in finding treatments and a cure for ALS.
Hopeful Highlights from the Recent ALS MND Symposium
Earlier this month, The ALS Association was happy to travel to Dublin to participate in the 27th International Symposium on ALS/MND. The Symposium, the largest ever, brought together top ALS researchers and clinicians from all over the world. People in attendance, including those from The ALS Association, used the hashtag #alssymp during the event. Here are some of our favorites!
Two Young Entrepreneurs Win Part of the ALS Assistive Technology Challenge
After over a year in the making, The ALS Association in partnership with Prize4Life awarded the ALS Assistive Technology prize in Dublin during the ALS/MND International Alliance Meeting. We are thrilled to award one of the top prizes to Dexter Ang and David Cipoletta, two young entrepreneurs that founded Pison Technology based out of Massachusetts. They blew the judges away with their easy-to-use, self-contained communication system based on muscle EMG signals.
IBM's Watson supercomputer discovers 5 new genes linked to ALS
You may have heard that IBM's supercomputer, Watson, competed on Jeopardy! and is now being used to solve everything from business problems to diagnosing cancer. Today, we were thrilled to hear the latest Watson news: Working with a team at the Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, headed by Dr. Robert Bowser, Watson helped researchers discover 5 new ALS genes.
A Two-Pronged Approach for SOD1-linked ALS Drug Discovery
Certain genetic changes in super oxide dismutase-1 (SOD1), the second most common form of inherited ALS, cause this protein composed of two parts (a dimer) to fall apart into individual pieces (monomers). These SOD1 monomers can abnormally clump together in motor neurons during ALS disease. Join me at The ALS Association December webinar to learn about my research to develop new ways to discover novel ALS drugs that stabilize SOD1 dimers. This includes a high-throughput screening technique, which could reveal unexpected, safe combinations of FDA-approved drugs to treat ALS.
The ALS Association Joined Thousands of Neuroscientists at the Annual Society for Neuroscience Meeting in San Diego
Over 30,300 neuroscientists from around the world gathered in San Diego in November for the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), the largest annual meeting of scientists in the world. ALS was strongly represented at the meeting, with the presentation of approximately two hundred new research studies on genes, models, disease mechanisms and therapy development. These included many supported by The ALS Association under our TREAT ALSTM global research program that I highlight below.
The ALS Association Partners with ALS Finding a Cure and NEALS to Support New Phase II RNS60 Trial Targeting Neuroinflammation
The ALS Association, in partnership with ALS Finding a Cure and the Northeast ALS Consortium (NEALS) is giving $1 million in total funding to support a new ALS clinical trial to test the efficacy of the experimental drug RNS60 in reducing inflammation that may slow the disease process. The Association is contributing $500,000 out of the total award. The trial is currently being setup and is slated to begin in the New Year.
UBQLN2 Mouse Models Replicate Key Human ALS Disease Features
Your research donations make a difference! ALS Association-funded Dr. Mervyn Monteiro, Professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, developed novel ALS mouse models expressing mutant ubiquilin 2 (UBQLN2), a cause of inherited ALS-FTD that was published this week in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). Importantly, these mouse models demonstrate many characteristics of ALS observed in humans, thereby providing valuable tools for identifying disease pathways in ALS and for investigating therapeutic strategies to treat ALS.