Advocacy Resources

We’ve developed a variety of resources, tools, training videos, and information sheets that you can use to be an effective advocate all year long.

Advocacy 101 Training

Learn how easy it can be to build relationships with your lawmakers that can help advance legislation, create and improve policies, and change laws to help the thousands of people living with ALS.

Advocacy 101 Webinar Slides / Advocacy 101 Training Guide

More advocacy webinars

Advocates outside capitol building

Our Public Policy Priorities

All you need to know about our slate of critical federal and state policy issues that we will prioritize, resource, and drive through advocacy to secure the greatest impact for people living with ALS and their families.
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Advocates and representative

State Advocacy Roadmaps

Our State Roadmaps measure how effectively public policies are serving the ALS community in each state and Washington, D.C. 
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Advocacy Toolkit

We’ve created a comprehensive toolkit which includes all the resources you may need to help you plan and lead impactful meetings with your members of congress.
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Phone and computer

Advocacy Webinars

Take a deeper dive into the issues with subject matter experts who will help you understand why advocacy is so important and what it means to you and the ALS community.
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media training

Advocacy Media Trainings

This is a four-part media advocacy training that offers strategies and insights on how individuals affected by ALS can effectively engage with the media to amplify their advocacy efforts. Trainings are led by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Matt Rocheleau, who is living with ALS.
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Person living with ALS and his wife

Share Your Story

Whether you’re living with ALS or know someone who is, sharing your story can help others in the ALS community and beyond feel connected to the impact ALS has on the people it touches.
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Follow the latest ALS news

From research to critical care to stories from the community, we offer numerous opportunities to stay up to date with all of the latest ALS news. And don’t forget to subscribe to our newest monthly newsletter, Advocacy Matters.
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