
Collage of people from the ALS community



101 results
The Poiriers: One Family’s Journey Living With ALS
We recently spoke with Kathleen Poirier - wife, mother, and a person living with ALS. Kathleen and her family live in Florida and have been very involved with The ALS Association Florida Chapter. Here is what Kathleen had to say about her family’s journey with ALS in her own words.
The Letters: One Family’s Journey Living With ALS
We recently spoke with Amber Letters - daughter, wife, mother, and part time caregiver of a person living with ALS. Amber and her family live in Pittsburgh and have been very involved with The ALS Association Western Pennsylvania Chapter. Here is what Amber had to say about her family’s journey with ALS in her own words.
Smart Home Technology and ALS
For people living with ALS, reduced physical mobility and the ability to communicate often cause “Smart” homes – in which household items become connected and are controllable with the use of technology – can greatly improve accessibility and be life-changing for people living with the disease.
Hurricane Season Starts Today. Are You Prepared for an Emergency?
Emergencies and disasters can strike quickly and without warning. For the thousands of Americans living with ALS, emergencies such as fires, floods and acts of nature present a real challenge. June 1 marks the official start of hurricane season and with the coronavirus pandemic, it’s more important than ever to make sure you are prepared.
Mother’s Day Q&A with Carianne Meystrik
Carianne Meystrik has been living with ALS for 22 years – all while raising 4 children. In honor of Mother’s Day, we reached out to Carianne to check in on her ALS journey and her family, and to get her reflections on the impact ALS has had on motherhood.
“Hope is in Enough of the People Being Concerned Enough to do Something about it.”: Bob Palucki on Living With ALS
Until he was diagnosed, Bob Palucki didn’t really know anything about ALS. “It really didn’t affect anybody in my family,” he says. “We’ve come so far in all the different medicines for all the different diseases and to think that we’ve got a disease as terrible as this and there’s no cure for it, there’s not even anything that can stop it from progressing.”
ALS Roundtable on Ensuring Access to New Therapies for People With ALS
With many ALS drugs now in phase II and III clinical trials, The ALS Association is considering strategies that will ensure any new treatments are accessible and affordable. We used our second ALS Roundtable to explore several important questions for our community including: How will these new therapies get paid for? How can people access to them? How long will it take to get access?
ALS Association Thanks Community Following FDA Release of Final Guidance Document
On Monday, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) issued a finalized ALS Drug Development Guidance for Industry. This is one important step in comprehensive efforts to bring therapies to people with ALS more quickly. Five years ago, there was no clarity around what the FDA expected from companies pursuing ALS treatments. The ALS Association recognized this problem, galvanized the broader community, and engaged the FDA to provide a clear roadmap that also can respond to new science as it emerges. The FDA Guidance is one part of a commitment that will not be complete until we have a cure for all people with ALS.
Results from Our ALS Community Survey
The ALS Association is pleased to share results from our recent community survey. We were interested in hearing about programs and services that people reported as being important, reasons why people were not accessing some programs, major challenges, and issues around medications. Information gained from the survey will be incorporated in to care services planning activities and will be used to inform strategic planning, priority setting, program outcomes, and program improvements.
Fran McClellan Awarded the Lawrence A. Rand Prize
At our most recent clinical conference, we honored Frances (Fran) McClellan with the Lawrence A. Rand Prize. The award recognizes the courage, passion, integrity, and commitment of people serving the ALS community as volunteers, health care professionals, educators, communicators, or in other ways contributing to the quality of life of people living with ALS. It was established by Lawrence Rand, a former chairman of the Association’s Board of Trustees who played a major role in laying the cornerstone of what is now The ALS Association.
Members of ALS Community Gather with Representatives from FDA and Industry to Inform FDA Draft Guidance on ALS
The ALS community recently presented its recommendations to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Developing Drugs for Treatment Guidance for Industry at a day-long event, called ALS Community Workshop: Therapy Development and Regulatory Pathways, which was held in Washington, D.C., on July 12. Over 90 people attended in person, with many more tuning in online.
Memory Boxes Help Kids Impacted by ALS Cope with Loss
A diagnosis of ALS takes its toll in many ways. The person living with ALS eventually loses the ability to move, eat, speak, and breathe. But the effects of this disease don’t end there. Witnessing a loved one’s experience and being a caregiver have profound effects on family members and children, too.
Guest Post: Steven’s Stompers and Bladen County Aim for a Cure for ALS
The story of Steven’s Stompers begins with Steven Davis. Steven is a lifelong resident of Bladen County, N.C., an avid outdoorsman, a pipe fitter by trade, and an outstanding athlete. He began noticing symptoms in February 2012 and was diagnosed with ALS by a neurologist on April 30, 2012, at age 34.
Join Us at ALS Community Workshop: Developing Drugs for Treatment, Guidance for Industry – July 12
The ALS Association is hosting ALS Community Workshop: Developing Drugs for Treatment, Guidance for Industry on July 12 in Washington, D.C., and the entire ALS community is invited. The goal of the workshop will be to provide targeted feedback and information to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) from people with ALS, caregivers, and stakeholders to inform revisions of the FDA’s Draft Guidance on ALS Drug Development.