
Collage of people from the ALS community



6 results
Let’s See More Care
We know finding ways to optimize treatments and care, and increasing access to care, helps people with ALS live the way they want with a better quality of life. That’s where multidisciplinary care comes in.
My ALS Journey™: Changing the Way People Live with ALS
The ALS Association has launched My ALS Journey™, a new interactive, web-based tool that allows people living with ALS to take control of their journey with the disease. Developed in consultation with the ALS community, My ALS Journey is designed to put individuals living with ALS in the driver’s seat of their own health care journey.
Volunteering to Help Support People Living With ALS
In recognition of National Volunteer Week, we are shining a spotlight on some of The ALS Association’s amazing, dedicated volunteers, and highlighting the incredible work they are doing to support our mission.
One Man’s Story About Why He Joined the Fight Against ALS
Through word of mouth, Stuart and his wife Marcia found five or six families in their community who were also dealing with the impact of an ALS diagnosis. They started an informal support group. The group started working with the chapter relations team at The ALS Association and formed The ALS Association Alabama Chapter.
Yvette Wilson: A Navy Veteran Fighting ALS
You may know the old saying “ship shape.” In many ways, that old reference to order and fitness defined Yvette Wilson’s life. She joined the United States Navy immediately after high school and the discipline that experience gave her has shaped her life in many ways. Even after she left the Navy, she lived an orderly life, blessed with good health and a loving family in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

All signs pointed to a wonderful future, until one day she started experiencing a heaviness in her feet.
ALS Roundtable on Ensuring Access to New Therapies for People With ALS
With many ALS drugs now in phase II and III clinical trials, The ALS Association is considering strategies that will ensure any new treatments are accessible and affordable. We used our second ALS Roundtable to explore several important questions for our community including: How will these new therapies get paid for? How can people access to them? How long will it take to get access?