
Collage of people from the ALS community



294 results
Susan Hoerber’s Journey of Hope
Two days before her birthday in January 2018, Susan Hoerber was diagnosed with ALS. “I was symptomatic for about four years. I knew there was something terribly wrong,” she said. Susan first noticed her symptoms when she struggled to hold a fishing pole. “I was an avid fisherman and outdoors person,” she said. “That's the first time I got kind of scared and I went to the neurologist.”
Through Sickness and Health: A Couple’s Love Perseveres in the Face of ALS
This article was originally published on the blog of the ALS Society of Canada on November 15, 2019, with kind thanks for their permission to reuse it.

The first thing one notices upon walking into Jeff and Darlene’s airy bungalow is the feeling of warmth and love that reaches into every corner: it’s present in the family photos that adorn the walls and the tasteful trinkets carrying messages of friendship and hope. And it’s a stark contrast to the second thing that’s evident: the soft, motorized whir of the breathing machine that keeps Jeff alive. It’s a constant reminder of the thin line between life and death – a line with which Jeff and Darlene are all too familiar.
Five Myths about ALS
While recent years have brought a wealth of new scientific understanding regarding the physiology of ALS, there is still some mystery and misinformation surrounding the disease.
Keep the Bus Moving: Kerry Goode’s Story
After a lifetime of participating in and leading two-a-day practice sessions, as a running back at the University of Alabama and the NFL, and later becoming a strength and conditioning coach in the NFL, Kerry Goode knew something was wrong when he couldn’t pick up a box.
2019 Highlights in the Fight Against ALS
As 2019 winds down, we look back on some of the important progress made this year in the fight to change the future of ALS. With the hard work and help from so many across the ALS community, the ALS Association was able to make great strides in our key mission areas, bringing us one step closer to our vision of a world without ALS.

"We Won't Let ALS Steal Our Joy"
Our home has always been filled with family, friends, and joyful celebrations during the holiday season. It’s a time to connect with loved ones and create lasting memories. After my dad was diagnosed with ALS in March of 2017, creating holiday memories became especially important for our family. The average life expectancy for someone with this disease is 2 to 5 years, so we understand that every moment we spend together is precious.
How Gardening is Part of Caregiving: Bill Dodge’s Story
November is National Family Caregivers Month, a time to recognize and honor the tremendous contributions of family caregivers. Throughout the month we have been sharing stories of caregivers in the ALS community. Caregiving is a full-time job, and many caregivers also maintain full time jobs while dealing with the financial and emotional stress that comes with being a caregiver.
Caregiver Opens Up About ALS and the Holidays
Jen LeVasseur’s caregiver journey began while she was still a newlywed. Her husband, Noel, was diagnosed with ALS just 17 months after their wedding. Noel has two daughters from a previous marriage, Jen two sons. (They embrace the Brady Bunch, blended family analogy.) We sat down with Jen earlier this year to talk about caregiving and how ALS impacts the holidays.
Bride-to-be Caregiver Reframes Future with a Fiancé Living with ALS
Lynn Hogan became a caregiver early in her relationship her fiancé, Steve Ziegler. “On our first date we went out and he was sitting next to me and he said, ‘You might notice -- don't get weirded out or anything -- but you might notice some twitching, weird stuff going on with my arms. We don't know what it is yet. But one of the things it could be is ALS,’” she recalled.
The Iron Woman Behind the Iron Horse
The Greater New York Chapter of The ALS Association has commemorated a pivotal caregiver from ALS history with a luncheon named in honor of Eleanor Gehrig, the wife of famed baseball hero Lou Gehrig.
Anthony Vick: "Faith Over Fear"
Anthony Vick spent 16 years serving his country in the Army and Air Force Reserves, including 10 years in the civil service. Vick says he was lucky to be able to serve his country, service that came to an end in 2017 when he was diagnosed with ALS.
Maya Bulmer: “Today is what we have”
Maya Bulmer was thrust into the role of caregiver at a young age. Like many seniors in high school, Maya spent the 2018-2019 school year filling out college applications, readying for the next chapter in her life.
Show Appreciation to a Caregiver During National Family Caregivers Month
November is National Family Caregivers Month. Join The ALS Association in honoring caregivers throughout the month. “Being a caregiver of someone with ALS is incredibly challenging, and my role hasn't even begun to be that physical yet,” said Jen LeVasseur. Her husband, Noel, was diagnosed with ALS in 2017, just over a year after they were married.
11 Ways to Maintain Nutrition in People with ALS
National Malnutrition Awareness Week kicks off today. The ALS Association has resources available to help make sure people living with ALS do not struggle with malnutrition as the disease progresses.