
Collage of people from the ALS community



32 results
Baseball Raises ALS Awareness Across the Country with 4th Annual Lou Gehrig Day
Since 2021, June 2 has been celebrated as Lou Gehrig Day by Major League Baseball (MLB) in ballparks across the country -- a day to help spread awareness and raise funds for people living with ALS and their families. Here are some of the events happening across the ALS Association to celebrate this legacy that joins together the baseball and ALS communities.
Let’s See More Care
We know finding ways to optimize treatments and care, and increasing access to care, helps people with ALS live the way they want with a better quality of life. That’s where multidisciplinary care comes in.
ALS Nexus: Preventing ALS and its Harms
One of the leading researchers working to better understand what is going on at the earliest stages of the disease is Michael Benatar, M.D., Ph.D., a professor of neurology at the University of Miami. Through his research, he is identifying biomarkers that could be used to predict who is likely to develop ALS and when, as well as helping develop treatments that could potentially delay or prevent the onset of symptoms. And we are thrilled to announce he will be joining us at ALS Nexus in July to talk about this very important work.
Let’s See New Treatments
Prior to the Ice Bucket Challenge, there was only one available treatment option for people living with ALS, as well as a few other therapies to help manage symptoms. In the last 10 years, we have seen an influx of researchers and companies striving to discover new treatments and cures for ALS. The result of these efforts has been six FDA approvals for new drugs and new drug formulations. Let's see new treatments until we can find a cure.
Raising Ice Buckets to Raise ALS Awareness
Nothing has brought more ALS awareness like the Ice Bucket Challenge during the summer of 2014. The viral sensation spanned the globe, forever changing the future and trajectory of ALS. And the awareness and funds generated by the social media phenomena put us on a path to end this disease.
ALS Nexus: Ensuring Care for All
Dr. Ileana Howard is the Medical Co-Director of VA Puget Sound, an ALS Association Certified Treatment Center of Excellence, and will be joining us at our ALS Nexus conference to share her insights while exploring actionable steps to dismantle barriers to access, from advocating for policy changes to fostering community partnerships, to ensure everyone living with ALS has access to state-of-the-art care.
Renovation Hunters Joins the Fight Against ALS
Renovation Hunters joined the fight against ALS when they took on an extensive cabin renovation to help a family impacted by the disease in Pennsylvania. The series includes three exciting episodes of the reno beginning tomorrow, April 5, at 8:30 p.m. on the Outdoor Channel. Read more about the family’s journey and don’t forget to tune in to watch!
Join Us at ALS Nexus 2024
ALS Nexus brings together the perspectives of the ALS community to connect, collaborate, and change the future of ALS. This is more than a conference – it’s an opportunity to spark new ideas and accelerate progress towards our goal of making ALS a livable disease until we can cure it.
Volunteering to Help Support People Living With ALS
In recognition of National Volunteer Week, we are shining a spotlight on some of The ALS Association’s amazing, dedicated volunteers, and highlighting the incredible work they are doing to support our mission.
ICYMI: The ALS Association’s Top Ten Blogs of 2022
From the latest updates on ALS research and advocacy to information about caring for people living with ALS and inspiring stories from around the country, The ALS Association’s blog covered it all in 2022. Here is a quick look at the top ten posts our readers enjoyed most.
ALS Awareness Month Starts Today: How You Can Help Join the Fight
May is ALS Awareness Month, an opportunity for the ALS community to work together to help educate people about this devastating disease and shine a spotlight on the impact ALS has on the families it touches. To kick off the month of May, we’re highlighting eight easy ways you can help raise awareness this month and beyond.
ICYMI: The ALS Association’s Top Ten Blogs of 2021
From the latest updates on ALS research and advocacy to information about caring for people living with ALS and stories from around the country, the Association’s blog covered it all. Here is a quick look at the top 10 features our readers enjoyed most.
ALS Takes Far Too Many, Far Too Soon
I am the legacy of Oscar Aukschun, who was a wood pattern maker and first generation American and a resident of Cleveland, Ohio who developed weakness of his hands and arms in 1943 around the age of 43 years. He was a hard-working father who provided for his wife and three children.
2019 Highlights in the Fight Against ALS
As 2019 winds down, we look back on some of the important progress made this year in the fight to change the future of ALS. With the hard work and help from so many across the ALS community, the ALS Association was able to make great strides in our key mission areas, bringing us one step closer to our vision of a world without ALS.

Challenge Me to Be the Face of ALS
Eighty years ago on July 4, Lou Gehrig gave one of the most famous speeches in American history. His speech marked his retirement from baseball because of his recent diagnosis of ALS. Gehrig was honored by many on the field that day, and his number 4 was retired, the first time a player had ever had his jersey retired. The New York Times called it “one of the most touching scenes ever witnessed on a ball field.”