
Collage of people from the ALS community



49 results
Joumana Baroody: Raising Her Voice as an ALS Care Advocate
“I don’t know how I would have done this without your guidance.” Joumana Baroody heard words like these many times throughout the nine years she worked as a nurse at the ALS Clinic at the University of Chicago. They were spoken by people diagnosed with ALS and their families and caregivers.

Join the Fight Against ALS: Become an Advocate
Do you have a passion for making your voice heard and empowering others? Do you want to make a difference in the lives of people with ALS? The 16,000+ advocates for The ALS Association are people living with ALS, family members, friends, caregivers, researchers, scientists, and healthcare professionals who are ready to see a world without ALS.
Throwback Thursday: 2017 Mission Accomplishments
The ALS Association fights for people with ALS every day, leading cutting-edge research to discover treatments and a cure for ALS, and serving, advocating for, and empowering people with the disease to live their lives to the fullest. In honor of Throwback Thursday, let’s look back at the advances in our mission areas of Advocacy, Care Services, and Research during 2017.
Guest Post: Patient Voices Matter
This guest post is from Shelly Hoover, EdD, a member of the Patient & Caregiver Advisory Committee, and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Association staff, its Board of Trustees, or its chapters.
Why Wednesday: Mike Maloney – A True Hero of Hope
(This is the first article in a five-part series highlighting the 2018 recipients of The ALS Association Heroes of Hope Awards.) Mike Maloney is one of the reasons we provide care services to people living with ALS, advocate for legislation that greatly impacts the quality of life of those living with the disease, and fund research toward treatments and a cure for ALS.
‘Super Positive’ ALS Advocate Inspires Those Around Him
Doug Clough is a fearless ALS advocate from Gilbert, Ariz., who has made it his mission to make a huge impact on people living with ALS. Despite his ALS diagnosis in April 2014, he keeps going. He is involved in ALS advocacy in every way possible, from participating in The ALS Association National Advocacy Day to serving on the National ALS Registry task force to becoming a Northeast ALS Consortium (NEALS) Research Ambassador to participating in an ALS clinical trial, and this year being awarded the Iron Horse Award.
ALS National Advocacy Conference Registration Now Open
There is a need to continue to educate Members of Congress about ALS and its true impact on people living with ALS and their loved ones. This is where you and your voice come in. Advocates – people living with ALS, their families, friends, doctors and researchers – successfully sharing their stories with members of Congress will result in more legislative victories.
From One Caregiver to Another
Barbara Dickinson, whose husband, Brian, lived with ALS for nine years, shared her thoughts and feelings about having a loved one with ALS. Barbara is a former national trustee of The ALS Association and president emeritus of The ALS Association's Rhode Island Chapter. Our thanks and gratitude go to Barbara for agreeing to let us put her words on our web site.