
Collage of people from the ALS community



884 results
Home Infusion and Coverage Information for People Living with ALS
Home infusion is a safe and effective option available to hospital patients involving the administration of intravenous medications in a patient’s home or other alternate treatment setting. Infusions performed at home have been found to be safe, clinically effective, and improve patient quality of life while being less costly as compared to infusion care provided in a hospital setting. This also leads to fewer disruptions in patients’ personal schedules and responsibilities.
Every Walk: Help Kids4Cure Hit the $1 Million Mark
From that moment, Kids4Cure: Two Brothers on a Mission, was formed. The boys registered a team in the Cincinnati Walk to Defeat ALS in the fall of 2004 and rallied support from across the community. In their inaugural year, they raised more than $80,000 and brought nearly 550 people to walk with them.
Every Bright Young Scientist: Meet Dr. Veronique Belzil
Meet Dr. Veronique Belzil, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Neuroscience at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine in Jacksonville, Fla., and a former ALS Association Milton Safenowitz Postdoctoral Fellow. Having been personally touched by ALS, she is extremely dedicated to finding treatments and ultimately a cure for this devastating disease.
Helpful Tips for Traveling With ALS
In general, people with disabilities are traveling more than ever, including those living with ALS. In response, the travel industry is paying greater attention to their special needs by providing more services and accommodations.
Clinical Trial: ALS Association and ALS Finding a Cure® Supported Phase II RNS60 Trial is Now Enrolling
The clinical trial to test RNS60, a new compound for the treatment of ALS, which was supported in part from a $1.0 million grant through the ALS ACT initiative funded by The ALS Association and ALS Finding A Cure®, is now actively enrolling. This randomized placebo-controlled phase II study is being run by the IRCCS Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research in Milan and the ALS Center of the Maggiore University Hospital in Novara Italy. We are happy to report that the first patient was dosed in mid-July 2017.
Will You Join Me in Honor of Dwight Clark?
Meet Roger Craig, a three-time Super Bowl Champion and dear friend of Dwight Clark, who was recently diagnosed with ALS. Learn how Roger plans to support Dwight in his fight against ALS.
Every Accountant Adds Up
Meet Howard B. Levy, a highly accomplished certified public accountant with a national reputation and a long history of involvement with and support for The ALS Association. He learned of the Association during the mid-1980s during the last year of the life of his dear father, Jack Levy, who had ALS.
Thomas Todd is one of the hundreds of people living with ALS who was impacted by Hurricane Harvey. As Harvey approached, Thomas was able to safely ride out the storm with friends, but the hurricane had a devastating impact on his house. Harvey flooded his house with nearly two feet of water.
REPORT FROM HOUSTON: Delivering Critical Supplies to Those in Need
Over the weekend, we spent a few days with Tanner Hockensmith, Executive Director of The ALS Association Texas Chapter, as he and his team were setting up their supply staging facility in Houston and visiting families in need. At the time, they had reached out to all of the people with ALS in the areas affected by Harvey, and managed to connect with most of them.
ALS Advocacy Victory: Access to Complex Rehabilitation Technology Preserved
As ALS progresses, people living with the disease heavily depend on complex rehabilitative technology (CRT), especially their personally customized power wheel chairs. The ALS Association played a critical role both through direct lobbying and grassroots advocacy to win support for legislation to convince the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to abandon plans to apply competitive bidding to CRT. This makes it possible for people living with ALS to continue to obtain the CRT equipment that is customized to their needs.
Every Advocate Adds Up: Meet Larry
Meet Larry Harms. Larry is a father, grandfather, decorated Air Force veteran and tireless ALS advocate from Colorado. When you meet Larry, his wonderful sense of humor, optimism and love for life is immediately apparent. We recently sat down with Larry and learned how determined he is to live life to the fullest despite his diagnosis.
Every Innovation
It’s been three years since the viral fundraising phenomenon known as the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, which allowed us to dedicate millions of dollars to our global TREAT ALS™ research program.

Because research takes time, we are now starting to see results of our investments. This is a very exciting time in ALS research!
Every Scientist: Meet Dr. Tania Gendron
Meet Dr. Tania Gendron, Assistant Professor of Neuroscience at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Fla. She fights ALS by working hard every day in the lab to find a cure for this devastating disease. Her work focuses on optimizing ALS biomarkers to track and better understand the most common genetic mutation in inherited ALS, called C9orf72.
Every Mother: Meet Suzy
Meet Suzy Shealy from Columbia, S.C. Suzy is a wife, Gold Star mother (son Army Sgt. Joseph Derrick), grandmother, sister, person living with ALS and a tireless ALS advocate. We recently sat down with Suzy to get to know her and learn how ALS impacts her life.
Every Father: Meet Tim
Meet Tim Ritter from Myrtle Beach, S.C. Tim is a husband, father, Navy veteran, professor and a person living with ALS. We recently sat down with Tim to learn about the most impactful moments in his life that has defined who he is today.