
Collage of people from the ALS community



888 results
2017: A Year of Big Advances in ALS Research
In 2017, many new research discoveries and collaborations accelerated the momentum toward finding treatments and a cure for ALS. We helped lead the way by awarding several new grants to top scientists and clinicians. We currently fund over 126 projects in eight countries, furthering the best ALS research in the world.
Holiday Traditions and ALS
For families affected by ALS, the holiday season can bring painful reminders of what the disease has taken away. But, the season conjures as many (or more!) reminders of the love shared among family members.
Neuro Collaborative Researcher Dr. Finkbeiner Partners with Eli Lilly and Company
Dr. Steven Finkbeiner of the Gladstone Institutes recently announced a research partnership with Eli Lilly and Company to move his ALS research forward. Dr. Finkbeiner is a member of California-based Neuro Collaborative, an ALS Association-funded initiative focused on discovering new ALS therapeutics and moving them into clinical trials. This multi-year, milestone-driven project is using innovative robotic microscope technology to focus on better understanding neurodegenerative diseases, with a large focus on ALS.
A Day in the Life at the ALS Clinic – The Berkley Family
Your life can change in an instant. Carmen Berkley’s life did in 2015. She is one of the 6,000 people diagnosed with ALS each year. In the video below, Carmen shares with us what a visit to an ALS clinic is like for someone living with the disease.
Training Program Gives Young Caregivers Confidence, Peer Support
Youth who help care for their loved ones with ALS are learning about important areas of ALS care – from physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy, to social work and neurology -- through YCare, an education and support program developed and directed by Dr. Melinda S. Kavanaugh, Assistant Professor of Social Work with the Helen Bader School of Social Welfare at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
ALS Hackathon Results in New and Exciting Technology Ideas
ALS is a severely debilitating disease that takes away a person’s ability to move, speak, swallow, and eventually breath. There is much to be accomplished to immediately enhance their quality of life. With this in mind, we sponsored an ALS Hackathon in partnership with Prize4Life to bring together bright, young students to brainstorm and quickly develop an assistive technology prototype.
Exercise Programs for People with ALS Found Safe and Tolerable
When first diagnosed with ALS, one of the first questions people ask is whether it is OK to continue exercising. A recently completed ALS Association funded study by Dr. Nicholas Maragakis of Johns Hopkins University and team set out to help answer this common question by exploring the possible benefits of exercise for people living with ALS.
ALS Association-Funded Researcher Don Cleveland Wins 2018 Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences
Dr. Don Cleveland of University of California, San Diego received the 2018 Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences, an eminent honor to our long-time-funded ALS researcher. He received a $3 million prize, the largest individual monetary prize in science, during “The Oscars of Science” gala in Silicon Valley hosted by Morgan Freeman and aired on the National Geographic channel.
Research Progress Highlights from Society for Neuroscience Conference
This year’s annual Society for Neuroscience (SfN) Meeting in Washington, D.C., was a huge gathering of over 30,000 attendees from 80 countries all dedicated to advancing neuroscience. The ALS Association was one of 534 exhibitors and promoted our global TREAT ALS research program.
It's #GivingTuesday
By now, you’ve probably heard of #GivingTuesday – the global day of giving back! And while it’s a great day to raise money for ALS, #GivingTuesday is trending on all social networks, making it the best time to share your ALS story.
Shop Cyber Monday While Fighting ALS
Are you ready for some Cyber Monday deals?! Turn those deals into support for people living with ALS and their families by shopping through AmazonSmile.
2017’s BIGGEST Successes by our ALS Advocate Community
We bring the ALS community together to speak with one voice to increase awareness, advocate for research funding, and educate legislators – impacting thousands of people with ALS and their families. This advances our mission to discover treatments and a cure, and to serve, advocate for, and empower people living with ALS to live their lives to the fullest.
‘Super Positive’ ALS Advocate Inspires Those Around Him
Doug Clough is a fearless ALS advocate from Gilbert, Ariz., who has made it his mission to make a huge impact on people living with ALS. Despite his ALS diagnosis in April 2014, he keeps going. He is involved in ALS advocacy in every way possible, from participating in The ALS Association National Advocacy Day to serving on the National ALS Registry task force to becoming a Northeast ALS Consortium (NEALS) Research Ambassador to participating in an ALS clinical trial, and this year being awarded the Iron Horse Award.
Air Force Veteran Fighting ALS One “Shy-Dye” Shirt at a Time
Diagnosed with ALS in February 2011 with bulbar ALS, Mickey Johnston is a U.S. Air Force Veteran. He lives in Atlanta, Ga. with his wife and caregiver, Debbie. They have been married for 37 years. We are thrilled to share Mickey’s story of how he started the “Shy-Dye Love Ministry” that brightens the lives of people living with ALS all over the world.