
Collage of people from the ALS community



889 results
New ALS Review on Newsstands: Unlocking the Mystery of ALS
The June issue of Scientific American on newsstands this month features, “Unlocking the Mystery of ALS,” which details the significant advances of ALS research over the years. The authors, Drs. Leonard Petrucelli at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville and Aaron Gitler at the Stanford University School of Medicine, thoughtfully explained the complicated science behind ALS, while weaving a story of its breakthroughs and the steps needed to get to the ultimate goal – an end to ALS.
Concerns About President Trump's Proposed Budget Cuts
Last week, President Trump submitted his budget request to Congress. Included in the proposal are changes to funding for Medicaid, cuts to Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), cuts to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the complete defunding of the National ALS Registry at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
ALS Films to Watch
There are many ways, both big and small, to raise ALS awareness. Some people have used their filmmaking or public speaking talents to craft compelling stories of those living with this disease. From TED talks to award-winning documentaries, these videos inspire, educate, challenge and entertain viewers, while celebrating the lives of people with ALS and the contributions they have made.
Advocacy Stories Inspire Hope
Thank you to the over 600 people that descended on Capitol Hill on Tuesday during The ALS Association's 2017 Advocacy Conference. So many advocates shared their stories to inspire their local legislators to support important ALS initiatives.
ALS Springboard Challenge Launched
The ALS Association is at the forefront of the global research effort to find treatments and a cure for ALS. We believe that innovation and collaboration will be the key to winning this important fight. Only by coming together with others around the world who are experts in their fields will we make significant progress. We know collaboration leads to progress.
Update: SUCCESS! Help Teach Siri About ALS Awareness
Modern technology makes it easier than ever for people get information about ALS. Unfortunately, people cannot learn about the disease through Apple’s popular digital assistant, Siri. The voice recognition program is an integrated part of all current Apple products and Siri reaches a huge number of people. For example, there are more than 80 million iPhone users in the U.S. alone.
New Research Brings Help, Hope to People With ALS
ALS is a devastating disease with no cure.

But researchers are working to change that. The increased awareness and donations provided by events like the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge—and by people like you—are making a real difference in the pace of discoveries, bringing us ever closer to the end of ALS.
This is an Exciting Time in ALS Research
At the largest-ever Drug Company Working Group meeting held in Boston in April, The ALS Association featured the first details of exciting new “antisense” target that may be relevant to most people with ALS, not just those with an inherited ALS gene.
Aquinnah Pharmaceuticals Partners with Two Major Pharmaceutical Companies Aimed at Moving Promising Compounds Forward
The biotechnology company, Aquinnah Pharmaceuticals is dedicated to identifying new therapeutic agents for ALS and Alzheimer’s disease, based on a new scientific approach of RNA binding proteins involved in neurodegenerative disease. Last week, Aquinnah announced a $10 million investment from two world leader pharmaceutical companies Pfizer, Inc. and AbbVie Inc. to support therapeutic development to treat ALS, Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases.
ALS Research Progress Showcased at 2017 AAN Conference
This year at the 69th Annual American Academy of Neurology Meeting in Boston, thousands of neuroscientists came together to share their research and collaborate. Here we report the latest ALS research findings presented at the meeting by distinguished researchers, who were chosen to speak based on scientific merit.
Make a Difference This May
Awareness is critical to our goal of ending ALS forever. The more people know about ALS, the more they get involved, and the more they support ALS advocacy and research. Through that support, we’ve made great strides toward finding potential treatments for ALS.
Sheila Essey Award Winner Profile: Dr. John Ravits Offers a Continuum of Care
Dr. John Ravits, Professor of Clinical Neurosciences and Head of the ALS Translational Research Program at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) is a physician-scientist at the forefront of ALS thought and research of sporadic and familial ALS. Yesterday, at the 69th Annual American Academy of Neurology (AAN) Meeting in Boston, he was presented the prestigious 2017 Sheila Essey Award by Dick Essey, founder of the award named in honor of his wife Sheila who battled with ALS for ten years and died from the disease in 2004.
Care Connection – Easing Stress on ALS Families
Families living with ALS are faced with a whole host of everyday challenges that can become a burden over time. The ALS Association created the Care Connection program to provide support to meet families’ needs to ultimately alleviate stress. Learn more about this extraordinary program and all the help it delivers.