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General Public

Enfoque de equipo multidisciplinario en su plan de cuidados

Este folleto proporcionará una descripción general útil del enfoque del equipo multidisciplinario, lo que uno puede esperar durante una visita típica a la clínica, así como opciones adicionales de atención y apoyo de proveedores fuera del equipo de atención central.

Guía de recursos Las familias y la ELA

Esta guía de recursos es el resultado de muchos años de práctica e investigación del trabajo social clínico con familias, niños y jóvenes afectados por enfermedades neurológicas.

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Living with ALS Resource Guide 01: What is ALS? An Introductory Resource Guide for Living With ALS

This resource guide provides an overview of ALS, what it is, and how it affects your body. It provides information on what kind of resources are available to help you deal with ALS more effectively.

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Living with ALS Resource Guide 02: After the Diagnosis? Coping with the "New Normal"

This resource guide addresses the psychological, emotional, and social issues that you must face when your life is affected by ALS.

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Living with ALS Resource Guide 03: Changes in Thinking and Behavior in ALS

This resource guide addresses how thinking and behavior may be affected by ALS and how these changes can impact disease course, symptom management, and decision making.

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Living with ALS Resource Guide 04: Planning and Decision Making

This resource guide reviews areas where careful planning and decision making will be required and will provide you with resources to help you and your family plan for the future.

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Living with ALS Resource Guide 05: Understanding Insurance and Benefits When You Have ALS

This resource guide provides strategies and helpful hints to better navigate health insurance and benefits. While understanding insurance and benefits may feel overwhelming, the guidelines outlined here should help simplify the process for you.

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Living with ALS Resource Guide 06: Managing Symptoms of ALS

This resource guide discusses a variety of symptoms that may affect you when you have ALS. As the disease progresses, various functions may become affected and it is helpful to understand potential changes so that you know what to expect and how to manage these new changes and symptoms.

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Living with ALS Resource Guide 07: Functioning When Mobility is Affected by ALS

This resource guide covers the range of mobility issues that occur with ALS. It discusses exercises to maximize your mobility, as well as how to adapt your home and activities of daily living to help you function more effectively.

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Living with ALS Resource Guide 08: Adjusting to Swallowing Changes and Nutritional Management in ALS

This resource guide will help you understand how swallowing is affected by ALS and what you can do to maintain nutrition for energy and strength and to keep your airway open.

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Living with ALS Resource Guide 09: Changes in Speech and Communication Solutions

This resource guide covers how speech can be affected by ALS and explores a variety of techniques, technologies, and devices available for improving communication.

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Living with ALS Resource Guide 10: Adapting to Changes in Breathing When You Have ALS

This resource guide explains how breathing is affected by ALS. Specifically, it will teach you the basics of how the lungs function, the changes that will occur, and how to prepare for the decisions that will need to be made when the lungs need maximal assistance.

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Living with ALS Resource Guide 11: Approaching End of Life in ALS

This resource guide examines thoughts and feelings about dying and end of life. Approaching end of life is difficult and support is critical to help sort out feelings, expectations, and plans.

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Vivir Con ELA Guia De Recursos 01: ¿Qué es la ELA? Una guía introductoria para quienes viven con ELA

Esta guía de recursos brinda una descripción general de la ELA, lo que es y cómo afecta su cuerpo. Brinda información sobre el tipo de recursos que tiene disponibles para ayudarle a lidiar con la ELA de manera más efectiva.

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Vivir Con ELA Guia De Recursos 02: Después del diagnóstico de ELA: Cómo lidiar con lo que ahora es normal para usted

Esta guía de recursos aborda los aspectos psicológicos, emocionales y sociales que deberá enfrentar cuando su vida se ve afectada por la ELA. 

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