
Collage of people from the ALS community



24 results
Results from Our ALS Community Survey
The ALS Association is pleased to share results from our recent community survey. We were interested in hearing about programs and services that people reported as being important, reasons why people were not accessing some programs, major challenges, and issues around medications. Information gained from the survey will be incorporated in to care services planning activities and will be used to inform strategic planning, priority setting, program outcomes, and program improvements.
Memory Boxes Help Kids Impacted by ALS Cope with Loss
A diagnosis of ALS takes its toll in many ways. The person living with ALS eventually loses the ability to move, eat, speak, and breathe. But the effects of this disease don’t end there. Witnessing a loved one’s experience and being a caregiver have profound effects on family members and children, too.
#WhyWeWalk - To Find our Purpose
When Thelma “TAG” Martinez was diagnosed with ALS in 2013, she was 65 years old. Her caregiver and husband of 46 years, Henry, quickly became involved in the services provided by their local chapter.