
Collage of people from the ALS community



15 results
Walking for Wally
Paul Seaver, the manager of community engagement and events for the ALS Association who oversees major events in the Boston area, has a personal connection to ALS—having lost his father to the disease in 2013. He shares his story on how raising awareness and funds for ALS became his priority, even before taking on the role professionally.
Baseball Raises ALS Awareness Across the Country with 4th Annual Lou Gehrig Day
Since 2021, June 2 has been celebrated as Lou Gehrig Day by Major League Baseball (MLB) in ballparks across the country -- a day to help spread awareness and raise funds for people living with ALS and their families. Here are some of the events happening across the ALS Association to celebrate this legacy that joins together the baseball and ALS communities.
Let’s See More Care
We know finding ways to optimize treatments and care, and increasing access to care, helps people with ALS live the way they want with a better quality of life. That’s where multidisciplinary care comes in.
Raising Ice Buckets to Raise ALS Awareness
Nothing has brought more ALS awareness like the Ice Bucket Challenge during the summer of 2014. The viral sensation spanned the globe, forever changing the future and trajectory of ALS. And the awareness and funds generated by the social media phenomena put us on a path to end this disease.
Renovation Hunters Joins the Fight Against ALS
Renovation Hunters joined the fight against ALS when they took on an extensive cabin renovation to help a family impacted by the disease in Pennsylvania. The series includes three exciting episodes of the reno beginning tomorrow, April 5, at 8:30 p.m. on the Outdoor Channel. Read more about the family’s journey and don’t forget to tune in to watch!
Join Us at ALS Nexus 2024
ALS Nexus brings together the perspectives of the ALS community to connect, collaborate, and change the future of ALS. This is more than a conference – it’s an opportunity to spark new ideas and accelerate progress towards our goal of making ALS a livable disease until we can cure it.
Volunteering to Help Support People Living With ALS
In recognition of National Volunteer Week, we are shining a spotlight on some of The ALS Association’s amazing, dedicated volunteers, and highlighting the incredible work they are doing to support our mission.
ICYMI: The ALS Association’s Top Ten Blogs of 2022
From the latest updates on ALS research and advocacy to information about caring for people living with ALS and inspiring stories from around the country, The ALS Association’s blog covered it all in 2022. Here is a quick look at the top ten posts our readers enjoyed most.
ICYMI: The ALS Association’s Top Ten Blogs of 2021
From the latest updates on ALS research and advocacy to information about caring for people living with ALS and stories from around the country, the Association’s blog covered it all. Here is a quick look at the top 10 features our readers enjoyed most.
What People With ALS Want You to Know About ALS
We launched the Challenge Me campaign last week. Challenge Me picks up where the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge left off. This time, we are challenging the world to do anything and everything they can to help end ALS.
Challenging Youth to Join the Fight
The ALS Association is launching a campaign to engage kids and teenagers in the fight against ALS, issuing the ALS Youth Challenge and celebrating the first-ever ALS Youth Action Day. Our chapters across the country will be partnering with youth organizations in their communities to identify future activists and philanthropists who will help to defeat ALS by accepting the ALS Youth Challenge.
The Power of Insights…and Kiddie Pools!
The ALS Association teamed up with a group of expert data analysts at Mastercard who spent more than 24 consecutive hours to help our national office and chapters gather insights into improving operations and strategies to advance our mission to find a cure for ALS.