
Collage of people from the ALS community



155 results
Occupational Therapy and ALS: How It Can Work in the Telehealth World
Social distancing and stay-at-home orders in response to the COVID-19 pandemic are upending many facets of daily life. In recognition of Occupational Therapy Month, we checked in on ways this critical piece of multidisciplinary care can continue during quarantine and innovative ways telehealth can be adopted by occupational therapists.
Questions and Answers about COVID-19 and Its Impact on People with ALS
March 23, 2020 – We have received many questions about COVID-19 and its impact on people with ALS, their families, and their caregivers. We convened a panel of volunteers and staff to answer these questions – their bios are at the bottom. This situation is rapidly changing. We will update this FAQ as we receive more questions and more current information.
Medicare Coverage for Telehealth Visits Expanded During COVID-19 Pandemic
In response to congressional action, The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services notified providers of a new option for expanded Medicare coverage for telehealth visits.  These changes temporarily remove originating site and geographic restrictions from coverage of telehealth under Medicare fee-for-service. 
What to Know About Feeding Tubes and Decision Making When Living with ALS
Learning that you should consider a feeding tube can be overwhelming. It is a lot to take in, particularly in combination with the many medical issues that come with an ALS diagnosis. It is common for patients to be hesitant about it, but often, once they see the benefits of tube feeding, they often regret not making the decision sooner.
Planning Your Super Bowl Meal When Dealing with Eating Challenges
When the San Francisco 49ers and Kansas City Chiefs take the field for Super Bowl LIV, more than 100 million viewers are expected to tune in from homes, pubs and Super Bowl watch parties across the country. While the game itself is considered an iconic signature sports event for most Americans, many of us also identify this game with the smorgasbord of snacks that generally accompanies game watching. After all, a staggering 1.4 billion chicken wings are expected to be consumed during the big game this year, and the day is one of the biggest days for pizza sales every year.
ALS Roundtable on Ensuring Access to New Therapies for People With ALS
With many ALS drugs now in phase II and III clinical trials, The ALS Association is considering strategies that will ensure any new treatments are accessible and affordable. We used our second ALS Roundtable to explore several important questions for our community including: How will these new therapies get paid for? How can people access to them? How long will it take to get access?
ALS Community Responds to FDA Guidance Document with Call for More Urgency, Flexibility
The ALS Association and its partners submitted comments to the Food and Drug Administration to further inform the agency’s implementation of the final guidance on the development of drugs and treatments for ALS. The comments underscore the need for urgency and commend the FDA for including voices from our community in its rulemaking process. Click here to view the comments.
Challenge Me to Make the Impossible Possible
Watching my mother struggle to interact with the world as her ALS progressed was extremely difficult for our family, and for me personally. Her struggle inspired me to find solutions that could help people like my mother better interact with computers and their environment, even after they have lost almost all of their ability to move. I had the motivation to advance technology in a way that would bring a new quality of life to people living with ALS under Steve Saling's motto that until medicine proves otherwise, technology is the cure.
Respiratory Strength Training Deemed Safe and Feasible in ALS Case Study
Dr. Emily Plowman, one of our Clinical Management Grant awardees, recently published a promising case report on a person with early-stage ALS who has been participating in a mild-intensity respiratory strength training program. The individual has been doing the strength training program with Dr. Plowman and her team at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida, over the past 24 months.
Telemedicine With a Twist Serves More People in Rural Areas
People living with ALS and their families need a great number of care services. We use innovative technology and partnerships to help fill the gaps in care for underserved populations and connect people with ALS to opportunities for greater quality of life.
Oregon Chapter Goes the Extra Mile to Give People With ALS a Voice
Have you ever been frustrated by not being able to get your point across? People living with ALS often face this challenge. But thanks to our care services staff and partners, and assistive technology, people living with ALS can keep communicating, even after they’ve lost their voices.
Home, Smart Home
Assistive technology can provide a major benefit to people living with ALS and their caregivers. That is why some of the advances we have seen in recent years, thanks to generous donations from the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge and beyond, are so exciting.
Certified Treatment Center of Excellence Spotlight: Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin
Studies have shown the value of attending a multidisciplinary clinic for a person with ALS, including longer survival, increased quality of life, and improved access to potential therapies. Since 1998, The ALS Association’s national Certified Treatment Centers of Excellence (CTCEs) network has provided ALS care and services in a supportive atmosphere, with an emphasis on hope and quality of life.
Local Assistive Technology Lab Improves Lives of People Living with ALS
People living with ALS eventually lose the ability to speak. That means that preserving channels of communication is an important component of enhancing quality of life. The ALS Association - DC/MD/VA Chapter took this to heart when they initiated The Esther Lerner Brenner ALS Assistive Technology Lab in Maryland, which is designed to help people living with ALS communicate effectively for as long as possible.