Guest Post: Our Daughter Wanted to Cure ALS, But Was Murdered in the Parkland Shooting - Help Make Her Dream Come True


By April Schentrup

Update: As of January 28, 2019, generous supporters have grown the Carmen Schentrup ALS Research Fund to nearly $162,000. Carmen's mother, April Schentrup, says, “We are so grateful and humbled at the outpouring of support for Carmen and her dream. We have always believed that Carmen would change the world and we’re touched that her story is resonating with so many people.”

Our beloved daughter, Carmen Schentrup, was taken from us on February 14, one of 17 victims of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. Her life was cut too short. For the last month, we have tried to make sense of the senseless, and we have grieved with the other families.

Carmen was silly, playful, and caring. She often made us laugh and was always looking to help others. She had wonderful friends, many of whom helped us in our time of need. She is deeply missed by all who knew and loved her.

Carmen was also a dedicated straight “A” student. She was accepted into the University of Florida Honors Program and as a University of Washington Purple and Gold Scholar. She was excited to begin college this fall. The day after her tragic death, she received a letter informing her she was a National Merit Finalist.

Carmen wanted to make the world a better place. She was determined to become a leading medical researcher and discover a cure for ALS. We truly believe that Carmen was going to change the world.

Today, we are announcing the creation of the “Carmen Schentrup ALS Research Fund.” Any funds raised through Carmen’s fund at The ALS Association will go directly to the most promising ALS research. We are establishing the fund with an initial gift of $5,628.84, Carmen’s entire life savings.

Please join Carmen in her quest to find a cure for ALS by making a donation here. We hope that, with enough help from all of you, Carmen’s dream of a world freed from ALS can be achieved. Thank you for your support.

To our dear Carmen, you are a bright, beautiful, young woman bursting into the world. You are an amazing daughter, sister, and friend. You fill our lives with loving memories that we will always cherish. You are a gift from God and into His arms you return. May His divine embrace now hug you so very tenderly where we cannot. We love and miss you dearly.

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