Art for Healing Series | Online

Date & Time
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United States

RSVP by Wednesday, November 1
Series: Tuesdays running November 7 to November 21, 2023
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, November 1

Art for Healing Series

In the class Jane will gently guide you through a number of timed questions or steps which you respond to intuitively with color and movement. You will have the choice of working on a digital platform if you use eye gaze or head mouse devices, or using paint and other materials that will be shipped to you.

At the end of the class you will have one or two unique abstract paintings which reflect the journey you've been on in the class. 

If hands on assistance is needed to set up supplies, etc., we invite you to have a caregiver/ family member/ friend present to assist you.

Please only register one spot for the person attending who has ALS.

About the Instructor

Jane Grant-Abban is an artist, author, speaker and special needs mom. She moved from the UK with her husband and two boys in 2006. Jane has over 30 years of teaching experience, and is Certified in a unique therapeutic art process called Art and Creativity For Healing.

Wherever she teaches, her goal is to create a safe place for people to connect with, explore and express their feelings, whether the everyday ones or the really hard ones. She creates opportunities for others to feel seen and heard and share their own unique story.

Jane believes art is for everyone and is skilled at helping others express the creativity the already have, but may not have used in a long time. Her therapeutic art classes help others find a new language- the language of color.

RSVP Required
RSVP by Wednesday, November 1