The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge: 10th Anniversary

It’s going to take all of us, working together, to finally see a world without ALS. 
Let's See It End! 

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In the summer of 2014, three young men living with ALS, Anthony Senerchia, Pete Frates, and Pat Quinn, took the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge and launched a global phenomenon that changed the fight against ALS forever.

They inspired over 17 million people around the world to dump ice water on their heads and donate to an ALS organization. The Challenge raised awareness of the disease worldwide and raised $115 million to support our mission, funds that were invested in ALS research and care for people living with the disease.  

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This year, on the 10th anniversary of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge we want to honor their legacy, recognize our ALS community for their ongoing support and generosity, and reinforce our commitment to making ALS a livable disease for everyone, everywhere, until we can cure it. 

Join the Ice Bucket Challenge

It’s been 10 years – you may have forgotten how this works!

Here’s how to show your support for the ALS community and take the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge: 

Use #IceBucket10 to be featured on our social wall!

Not on social media?
You can also upload your challenge to be featured on our ALS Ice Bucket Challenge digital wall.  

Share your Challenge

Let's See It End

Over the past 10 years, we’ve seen major advancements in research, advocacy, and care that have impacted the ALS community. It’s safe to say the Ice Bucket Challenge changed the future and trajectory of the disease and our hopes for the future.

New research conducted by the nonprofit research institute RTI details how this support changed the fight against ALS forever.

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Let’s See New Treatments 


Before the Ice Bucket Challenge: Rilutek was the only treatment available for people diagnosed with ALS.  
Since the Ice Bucket Challenge: Two new treatments have been approved by the FDA: Radicava™ in 2017 and Qalsody in 2023.  
Our Hope for the Future: Many more new treatments are discovered and become available to help make ALS a livable disease.  


Let's See More Care


Before the Ice Bucket Challenge: There were only 100 multidisciplinary clinics due to the lack of funding, limiting access to care. 
Since the Ice Bucket Challenge: The number of ALS clinics has more than doubled to 226 nationwide due to increased funding opportunities, expanded availability and usage of telehealth, and geo-mapping to help people find and access multidisciplinary care near them.  
Our Hope for the Future: Everyone, everywhere is able to access ALS multidisciplinary care via some combination of clinics, telehealth, and in-home care.   


Let's See More Genetic Testing and Counseling

genetic testing image

Before the Ice Bucket Challenge: Gene discovery occurred once every several years and there were no gene therapies available as a treatment option.  
Since the Ice Bucket Challenge: At least 12 new ALS genes have been identified and the first treatment has been approved for a genetic form of ALS.  
Hope for the Future: Access to genetic testing and counseling becomes commonplace without fear of discrimination, allowing greater participation in research and reduced time to diagnosis.  


Let's See More Funding


Before the Ice Bucket Challenge: There was minimal support for funding ALS research and care.  
Since the Ice Bucket Challenge: Thanks to the many advocates from the ALS community, we’ve seen dramatic increases in legislator support on federal and state levels resulting in increased government funding for ALS research and care.  
Hope for the Future: More people from the ALS community and legislators on both the state and federal levels advocating for increased funding for ALS research and policies that will ensure the critical needs are met for people living with ALS until a cure is found. 


Help Us Make ALS a Livable Disease

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