Sonny G Keen

Branch: Air Force
Served: 1954 - 1974
Hometown: Tupelo, Arkansas
Written by: William Keen, Brother

My half brother, and Air Force veteran, Sonny Gene Keen, known to friends and family, as Buddy, died of ALS in January of 1987, in Garland City, Arkansas. Buddy grew up in the Arkansas farm country, around Newport and Tupelo. He served twenty years in the Air Force, approx. dates of 1954 - 1974. He was the first member of the Keen family to die from Familial ALS,-- FALS. The second, our brother Donald died in 2007. In the fight against ALS, great and promising progess has been made, in recent years. But more research is needed. Please, help the ALS Association in this fight.

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