LeRoy R Hale

Branch: Army
Served: 1960 - 1962
Hometown: Evergreen Park, Illinois

I was drafted into the Army & did basic training at Ft. Riley, KS. I then went to Ft. Knox, KY where I attended Cooks School. After that I went to Ft. Myer, VA & then transferred to Headquarters Company 3rd Infantry. I met my wife, Rita, in Washington, DC & we have been married 47 years. We have 3 children & 7 grandchildren. I retired in 2007 & had 3 great years until I was diagnosed with ALS in 2010. I am trying to keep a positive mind. This journey has been hard but with family, friends, The ALS Association, and the Veterans Affairs Administration, I get all the support I need & want.

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