Ira Mack

Branch: Army
Served: 1984 - 2006
Hometown: Merry Hill, North Carolina
Written by: Yashica Mack, Wife

Ira is my husband of seven years. We met in 2003 in Columbus, GA and have a 2 yr old son we call "Ace." He served 24 years in the United States Army and retired in 2006. One week after Ace turned one we got the diagnosis that he has ALS. I have decided to challenge myself to share his story. Not for sympathy but for awareness. I know that the life expectancy is 2-5 years after diagnosis. I also know there is no known cause or cure. I know that top research centers are continuously working to find a cause and a cure. I believe that in my lifetime there will be a break through. I believe that the number of service members past or present being diagnosed will decrease. I believe! I just have to!

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