It's #GivingTuesday

First there was Black Friday... Then Cyber Monday...

By now, you’ve probably heard of #GivingTuesday – the global day of giving back! And while it’s a great day to raise money for ALS, #GivingTuesday is trending on all social networks, making it the best time to share your ALS story. We’ll share your stories on our social channels in the hopes of inspiring others to join us in the fight against ALS.

Remember to include the hashtags #GivingTuesday and #OurALSStory, and tag us @alsassociation in your Facebook post or Tweet.

We have also created a Facebook Frame you can use for your profile picture:

  1. Click “Update profile picture”
  2. Select the “Add Frame” tab
  3. Find the frame by typing “OurALSStory” into the search box
  4. Select the OurALSStory frame (a preview of what the frame will look like on your profile picture will appear)
  5. Choose how long you want the frame to appear on your profile picture. Facebook will automatically revert to your original profile picture once your selected duration period ends.

Your ALS story has the power to move people to action. And action is what we need to find a cure!

Let’s take advantage of this global day of philanthropy and awareness together. In addition to sharing your story, please consider making a special tax-deductible gift in honor of #GivingTuesday so we can continue to lead the charge to treat and cure ALS.

Join the conversation. Please comment below.

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