2017’s BIGGEST Successes by our ALS Advocate Community

We bring the ALS community together to speak with one voice to increase awareness, advocate for research funding, and educate legislators – impacting thousands of people with ALS and their families. This advances our mission to discover treatments and a cure, and to serve, advocate for, and empower people living with ALS to live their lives to the fullest.

The ALS Association advocates across the country have so much to be proud of this year. Below are just a few public policy highlights:

  • Ensured people with ALS have access to wheelchairs and complex rehab technology
  • Secured millions of dollars in funding for ALS research at NIH, the Department of Defense, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Advocated with Congress and the Administration to improve access to health care and critical services for people living with ALS

View our infographic and discover all the ways The ALS Association advocates made a BIG impact in 2017.

These accomplishments are critical in our mission to treat and cure ALS as quickly as possible. That’s why we need your help TODAY to continue inspiring legislative change. By making your tax-deductible gift today, we can continue this momentum into 2018 and change the lives of those affected by ALS. We can’t do it without you!

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