We are constantly looking to partner with others who have a shared vision and values. Here are some of the ways we are collaborating across the ALS and neurodegenerative disease fields.
ALS Research Collaborations and Consortia
These strategic initiatives are building our understanding of the disease, identifying targets for new therapies, expediting clinical trials and making genetic sequencing data available to the entire ALS research community.
ALS Roundtable Program
This program brings together individuals with varied expertise and experience to help shape the Association’s strategic planning efforts and identify solutions to make ALS a livable disease for everyone, everywhere.
Partnership Grants
These awards support grant-making efforts at other nonprofits that have the potential to ultimately transform the experience of ALS.
Clinical Fellowship Program
These awards, established in partnership with the American Academy of Neurology and American Brain Foundation, give young investigators the experience they need to establish their own ALS research laboratories to continue moving their innovative ideas toward the clinic.
Sheila Essey Award for ALS Research
This annual award, supported by the philanthropy of the Essey family, The ALS Association and the American Brain Foundation, recognizes significant contributions in the search for the causes, prevention and a cure for ALS.